Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dominic Traded the Time Share.

"We're going to Akron!" Dominic shouted.

The children had been so excited about finally going to Disney World.


J. Smith said...

But Akron is the Disney World of Ohio, right?

Normie said...


do us all a favor and turn on the "mobile site" feature on your blog, darn it! I want to read this on my iphone!

Margo Polo said...

I was not able to figure it out.

Normie said...

try this: http://www.emyworldwide.com/2011/09/how-to-create-mobile-view-of-blogger.html

Margo Polo said...

I was not given the options that the link suggests I use, perhaps I will probably have to have Ryguy do it.